Monday, August 17, 2009

1st Week, Monday 17 August

The most buildings are designed very practically. They are build in squared forms and outfitted with a low standard. But there are some new buildings which have brilliant design. Like the recreation center on the campus of the University of Cincinnati. There are also some constructions which should seem old, but I think it seemed more like movie scenery. I haven't seen much from the landscape jet. What I have seen are the parks on the campus and in the city. On the campus every thing is designed very well. They builded greened hills followed by flat parts. This is all crossed by allot of ways. You can find allot of sculptures on the campus. At night the most of them are lightend in an spectacular way, for example same are changing the color.

Mmost things are not so different to my expectaitions, because I know it from my last stay in the USA. But I was surprised by the size of the University of Cincinnati. The Franklyn & Marshall College in Lancaster which I visited last time was much smaller and more similar to Ilmenau. And although I know big Universities from Berlin, Cincinnati is impressive. In Berlin the faculties are shared over the whole town, so you can only find single big buildings and not such "University cities".

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