Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cultural values in children's texts

The library we have visited isn't very different to german librarys. Spontaneously I imagine only one differenc, you don't need a key for the restroom. Likewise is also the way of sectioning the books by content and the seperation between child, teen and adult stuff. Also the playing and the reading areas for promote children's reading are very similar.

My first book I've choosen is titeld "OLD BEAR". It tells the story abut a bear which fell asleep when the winter comes. While he is sleeping in his dan, he dreams from his childhood. He dreams that it is spring and that he is a cab. Ther are big wonderful colerd flowers and he take a nap in a gigant crocus. In the developing he walks throu the sesions. In the summer it rainds bluberries, in autumn everything turnd into yello, orange and brown and in winter he is sitting in the snow and look up to the stars. After his long period of sleeping and dreaming he finally waeke up.

He left his dan into a beautful spring day and need some minutes to realize that he isen't dreaming anymore. The book was very easy to read, so I think it is for childs up to four years. The hole story is illustreted with colerful picturs, that makes it possible to understand the story without reading. The style of this book is like childbooks all over the world. A short story with nice picturs and a little bit text. But althougt the childs can learn lot of things, like the sesions, that animals take a winter sleep or that a cup grothe and became an old big bear.

My second choice is complytly different. It is a specialiced book for older childs. It explained how thigs get made. So the titel says everything: "See How It's Made - Clothes, Toyes, Shoes, Food, Drinks, Skateboards". Every produkt is explained on two double pages. On the first they tells something about historical background and the components. On the second there are the produktion stemp explained. Each step is explained withe a short sentence and a picture. The book is very informative. And it can answer a lot of the "Mam, who does it work?" questions.

The german Bratwurst has supriesed me, because it seemd more like if it is one year old. Also the illustraions in the Old Bear are supriesing me. I thought they are more then 20 years old, but they are only two.

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