Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Cultural Functions of History and Memory

The part of the exhibition that most impressed me was the transportation system and the standard, which they create for example for ships. In a corner of the exhibition you can find a drawing, I think it's created by the British parlement, which standarised the transportation from slavery by ship. The chose how many of them could be transported and how you have to place them. They do this because with every dead slave they lost a lot of money. Today we called this supply chain optimization, with the small difference that we do this for engine blocks and not human beings. I think that is the point which is very similar to the concentration camps in in WWII. The well organized logistics to afflict and kill people, but there are more parallels. On the one hand the fact that one group of people thought that they are superior to others, and on the others there are groups which support the victims in the underground.

If I compare the Freedom Center with German memorials and museums I have to say that the german ones has touched me more. There were much more emotions and a closer connection to the victims. It is possible that this impression is based on my nationality and the closeness to our history. I think the Freedom Center is designed very informative, it's a museum, and it's hard to compare withe German memorials.

Information is very impotent for prevent this in future ...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christoph,

    I liked your comparison of the "dehumanization" of both slaves and concentration camp prisoners in their means of transportation. That is a very specific detail which is very good to point out.

    See you tomorrow,
